TRAVEL JOURNAL: Cairo, Giza, Egypt – Mar/Apr 2010

While it has certainly been a while since I’ve posted, mainly due to work, (Oh! Did I forget to mention that I am now a mother too?) but mostly because I’ve not had an opportunity to continue travel outside of the usual places, i.e. Western Europe or the U.S., which are repeat destinations, so therefore, Egypt is a pleasure.

Please note, after two failed attempts to reach Egypt – first was due to an ice storm in the metro New York region, with all major airports: JFK, EWR, LGA including mass flight cancellations. Then a second attempt failed due to illness, which no one should have to travel on this condition followed by the 2008 Khan al Khalili cafe bombings in Central Cairo where we were due to stay. We finally reached this region, but not without our own set of challenges. We were inadvertently traveling during British Airways’ Cabin Crew’s Unite Strike efforts. Ugh! We say, but we made it despite this final challenge to continue onto our mission, without the help this time of Abercrombie & Kent.

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