At the base of Taj Mahal gardens, we stand in front of the dozen more reflection pools which line the pathways to the base of the Shah Jahan mausoleum. March 2006.
Southern view of the towering minarets surrounding the Taj Mahal in the distance as taken from the 6th floor of our terrace at the Amarvilas Oberoi property in Agra. Sunrise 29Mar06
Here we stand at the base of the lotus dome. We are wearing the required shoe coverings – either go barefoot – or wear slippers, we opted for these necessary protectors as the marble around Taj Mahal is sensitive to dirt and grime as we were advised by our tour guide. 29Mar06
Here I stand at ground level, next to the gardens and reflection pools leading up to the Moghul structure.
At the base of the Taj Mahal, where the body of Shah Jahan’s wife, Moomtaz Mahal lies, behind me within the threshold, where no cameras are permitted. 29Mar06
Steven’s using his one-arm-method to take this photo of us standing in front of the Taj Mahal’s mosque, located in an archway leading onto the main grounds of the mausoleum.
Standing next to a center reflection pool, we are facing the Taj Mahal mausoleum, while our back is to the mosque, where all visitors enter.
Showing minor scaffolding on the eastern elevation at the base, this view shows the mausoleum’s west minaret on far right.
With Gopal our tour guide, Steven stops for a pose just before we make our way 3 flights to the entrance of the Taj Mahal mausoleum.
Steven observing the detailed floral work on the marble tiles of the Taj Mahal with the famous reverential Ganges river beyond.
Taken by Gopal, we stand in front of the northern elevation of Taj Mahal.
Illustrating the finer details on the marble of Taj Mahal.
View from our terrace at the Amarvilas Oberoi property.
Updated 28jun07