MUSINGS: Annual UN General Assembly Creates Traffic Nightmare

Looking EAST toward the East River on 44th St/2nd Ave at the United Nations grounds.

Oh just another typical evening in the City en route to dinner South on 2nd Avenue where traffic patterns change by the last-second – lead by that moving motorbike (above) followed by an additional 7 motorbikes – allow for yet another police-escorted motorcade to make its way toward 42nd Street while our taxi quickly maneuvers away from the blaring sirens. When will things be back to normal? 42nd St, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Lex are pretty much off-limits this week. Must roadways be so crippled? Bush AND Ahmadinejad plus the entire general assembly of the UN and their motorcades are wreaking havoc throughout the City. Rest assured, there’s only 4 more days to normalcy when the City returns to its own traffic mess. Is Metro-North really a better alternative? Is there a more efficient way to traverse cross-town?

Really. I don’t mind. Thanks to our family and friends of the UN, we’ll soon be thankful given their global presence and the chance to meet w/some delegates for work and social obligations, until September 2008. 24Sept07

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