42nd STREET STEAM BLAST … Where Are We? Are We Okay? See. Look. We’re Fine!

Meeting the hubby for a late lunch at “the clock,” Grand Central Terminal on a very HOT July afternoon.

dsc07089.jpg Here’s Steven standing at the center of Grand Central Terminal. Jul07

[Updated 18July2007. 21:21. Thankfully, we are both fine and made it home together just a few minutes ago – we actually drove-in to work and were downtown having an early dinner when the steam blast occurred – luckily we weren’t near Grand Central or mid-town at the time of the explosion. I’d driven to Greenwich Street to pick up Steven from work and from there, had our usual Jamba Juice and Woo Lae Oak on Mercer. That’s when we got the news alert from our blackberries. It sounded much worse than what was actually reported. We both immediately thought in the knee-jerk-fashion it was terrorist related, bringing back memories of being stunned all over again. Con Ed ought to replace those damn century-old pipelines, no? Anyway, we thank our family and friends for checking-up on us.]

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