Upward Trend

Because when one lives in town and country, you have little choice in where you buy your gas since many have monopolies and perhaps driving around to look for “cheaper” gas per gallon just wastes time and is money lost – not to mention creating more idle, unnecessary emissions – when trying to go for that one station with the target low(er) price. Hmmm. Here are our usual stations downtown: Canal St./West Side Highway and in the meat packing district, 15th/10th Avenue just off the West Side Highway. Plus of course, the Bedford monopoly-Shell. 9May08.

There’s a man filling-up next to me, in the nearby stall while Steven fills-up our gas guzzler. Ah! With two thirsty V-8 engines; his and mine, we’re bound to “downsize” soon enough. A Tesla perhaps times two??? Hmmm? Canal/West Side Highway. 9May08

Here are gas prices on 15th Street and 10th Avenue, 7May08

There’s Steven after filling up at the Mobil station on Canal/West Side Highway after work yesterday. 9May08

Within a matter of days, continuing an upward trend, here are Bedford Shell’s current gas prices, rising steadily at a four-cent pace per few days. 9 May 2008.

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