Asia Society, New York.

dsc00078.jpgThere she is herself, the reverent Aruna Sairam accepting a bountiful bouquet for her wonderful – almost chilling – performance live. We were delighted to hear of her agreement to visit New York, since we learned that Asia Society struggled to gain this venue after a several year attempt to entice her to come to the U.S., according to Rachel Cooper, Director of Cultural Programs and Performing Arts before introducing Ms. Sairam last night, co-sponsored by the Citi Foundation. 9May08.

Here we are before the performance of Indian-classical singer Aruna Sairum at the Asia Society lobby behind one of the Rockefeller’s favorite Hindu Ganesha sculptures on full display. Apparently, heavy networking was taking place off the side where the Asian-American Yale Alumni were meeting with the usual corporate sponsorships, including Citigroup. 9May08

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