In Mission Mode…Holiday Style

It’s the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s 2-story-high Christmas tree as it stands in the Medieval section of the main floor, just beyond the Baroque relics ahead of a Chanticleer concert this evening. 30Nov2010

So, my dear friends. It’s been an incredible year. Not quite over yet, but the new year beckons…upon the horizon. I can just taste it. 2011 just around the corner and meanwhile, I’m still wondering what happened to 2-0-1-0-??? I mean, aside from my usual whines of how difficult – big surprise – motherhood has been, I’m struggling with the whole social media apps especially Facebook. All while balancing LIFE and all the strings I’ve been coping here and abroad. It’s enough to want to crawl under a hole, bury my head in the sand. If it’s not on blackberry, then it’s on iPad. If it’s not a bookmark on my home screen, then it’s on TV. I still get email alerts, so without having to disable all fb contact, well is there anywhere that I can go without seeing some form of add for media? Twitter has sucked me in now, so I finally succumbed to this app…everywhere. To take a nice break brings some solace in knowing I don’t HAVE to always be – virtually – socializing or rather sharing. I hope you’ll all understand. Besides, the holidays are here and I’m just crazed trying to satisfy EVERYONE. Look forward, however to a wonderful holiday with my family and friends.

Happy Holidays! 😉

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