Season’s Greetings, Happy, Happy, Merry, Merry!

2010 Bedford Home Christmas Tree.

Most of the ornaments are kid-friendly, i.e. they are crafted from soft cushy velvet with applique threading creating unbreakable decorations for our roaming, destructive toddler at home. Thank you Fortnum & Mason for considering my crazy toddler.

So, it’s that time again and while there’s so much to see and do with all the gatherings, I thank all my friends and family that actually remembered that my birthday is indeed this week. Everyone is crazed running to and fro trying to juggle everything, so I am always appreciative of those who remember.

I am that kid that always, somehow got jilted season after season from receiving those forbidden all-in-one Birthday+Christmas gifts. Dare I say I’m still sore ’bout that….eeheheh!

Seriously, I’m at that age where quiet reflection and a time to reassess my life is the “norm,” and way – I CHOOSE to celebrate my birthday – not the big blow outs or loud crazy festivities of years past. Instead, I give thanks and wish for nothing but another wonderful holiday – uh, birthday – with everyone.

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